Special Blog Post – Carmel College Reunion

Carmel College Reunion – March 20th, 2010
Village Hotel, Elstree, London

Carmel College was a magnificent adventure and experiment in Anglo-Jewish education that lasted from 1948 until 1997. For many people it was a defining experience in their lives.

Having been involved in Carmel through my father, as a pupil and later headmaster, I remember vividly how difficult it always was to get former pupils together and how the OCA (Old Carmeli Association) always struggled to maintain any momentum. Perhaps it was because so many Carmel graduates came from and returned to places scattered all around the globe and keeping track was much harder in previous times.

As Carmel graduates get older and the memories fade, nostalgia steps in. So recently there seems to be a renewed interest in getting together. Jill Kenton organized a great reunion last November for those graduating from the mid-80’s to the 90’s, and its success has led to a follow up for the 60’s and 70’s.

Because Carmel graduates are so scattered and the records so inadequate, if you happen to know of any Carmel graduates who might be interested in coming or finding out about future reunions, please pass this message on and ask them to contact Jill Kenton at info[at]connections-events.co.uk.