General Topics

Who Was Sanballat?

Does this name mean anything to you? He is mentioned in the Bible as someone who tried desperately to prevent the Judeans from rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem.  A quick historical recap. The Assyrian King Sargon the 2nd conquered the Northern Kingdom of Israel in 722 BCE. As was his policy, he exiled most of the pagan ten northern tribes to…

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General Topics

Robespierre and Saadyah

Robespierre  (1758 –1794) was one of the most controversial figures of the French Revolution. He rose from obscurity to play an important part in the fall of the French Monarchy. In the chaos that followed, France was torn apart by civil strife, conflicting ideologies on the left and the right, a reign of terror with thousands guillotined, civil war, famine, and the…

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General Topics


“Remember…Don’t forget” (Deuteronomy 25:17&19). Yizkor, The Memorial Prayer, is a very popular custom, if I may use an inappropriate word, mainly in the Ashkenazi world. On the last day of each of the three Biblically ordained Pilgrim Festivals, Pesach, Shavuot,and Sucot,  we add memorial prayers for departed parents or other lost relatives. Although remembering the dead goes back a long way, the custom of…

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General Topics

Shavuot 2022

You might think there is little left original to write about the Festival of Shavuot that we are about to celebrate. We know its Biblical, agricultural origins, the importance of nature without its subservience to it, and the celebration of the seasons. We know of its umbilical 49-day connection to Pesach, from the barley harvest to wheat. The story of…

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General Topics

Yom Yerushalayim

Sunday May 29th is Yom Yerushalayim.  Some people may say it was a miracle, to regain the Old City of Jerusalem after two thousand years. I think it was proof that only by being proactive and determined can one survive and thrive in a hostile world.  In 1948 Jordan had unilaterally conquered the Old City of Jerusalem, baring Jews from entry, destroying synagogues, and desecrating Jewish…

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