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Rabbi Aviezer Wolfson ז״ל

A personal tribute. I have recently pointed out some of the negative aspects of the Yeshiva World. This week I want to pay tribute to a remarkable  example of  the best of the Yeshiva world. Rabbi Aviezer Wolfson was not widely known outside of the Charedi world, where he was a giant. He died recently and was eulogized in the Charedi press. But…

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General Topics

HKOPS & Trump

President Donald Trump has raised universal hackles by his Gaza proposal. First he dared to suggest that both Egypt and Jordan should, whether temporarily or otherwise, take in Gaza refugees. And then he added that he wanted to recast the hell hole that Hamas has turned Gaza into, to the Singapore of the Mediterranean.  The Palestinians will never accept it.…

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General Topics

Samson Is Israel

Shimshon ( Samson) is the great Jewish hero. The symbol of Jewish defiance and overcoming odds, throughout the ages. Yet the character described in the Book of Judges (Shoftim) is both complex and contradictory. From birth he was a Nazarite. The Nazir was described in the Book of Bamidbar (Chapter 6) as anyone, man or woman, who chose to be more religious, to take on an…

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General Topics


A place where you sit! To many people in Israel, a Yeshiva conjures up religious men refusing to serve in the Israeli army. But there is a more noble history to it. What is a Yeshivah?  A place where you sit, literally. Of course, you can do many things when you sit. From meditation to wasting time! In the USA, a…

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General Topics

Who is to Blame?

The ignorant  (or brainwashed) , useful idiots who call for the destruction of a Jewish homeland, claim that the Mandate that granted Jews a homeland was not only a mistake but an original sin. When in fact it was a brief moment in history when the allies who oversaw the end of the Ottoman Empire realized that the Jews had suffered…

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General Topics

Yeshivas: A place where you sit!

What is a Yeshivah?  A place where you sit, literally. Of course, you can do many things when you sit. From meditation to wasting time! In the USA a Yeshivah can be a Jewish school which may include secular and Jewish studies. But in most other places,  it is an academy for intensive Talmudic study which may last a few years or…

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