General Topics

Do Prisons Work?

America and Britain each has a higher prison population, proportionally, than any other country in the “civilized world”. If you include non-citizen prisoners in Israel (that means Palestinian and other terrorists convicted, suspected, or otherwise), it too gets bumped up to the higher rankings. Of course, the crucial question is, “Does it work?” Does prison in any measurable way stop…

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General Topics


In Britain we are “celebrating” 200 years since William Wilberforce forced an anti-slavery bill through Parliament. A film, Amazing Grace, has just been released that tells the story. We British are rightfully proud of the fact that we banned slavery long before anyone else did. But rather like the American Civil War, freeing slaves did not end discrimination or prejudice.…

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General Topics


One of the most important religious obligations is Gemilut Chessed, being kind to someone. Indeed, according to the Mishna, the world is based on three things–Torah (you might say “correct human behaviour” if you want to be inclusive), Service of God (let’s call it for the sake of the agnostics, “a spiritual, pan-human dimension”), and Gemilut Chessed (kindness to other…

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General Topics

Who Loves Us?

So the BBC World Service took a poll and discovered that more people think Israel is a danger to the world than any other place! Forgive me for an ironic laugh! The World Service reaches and is avidly listened to by billions of Muslims and an odd million Jews, if it’s lucky (who, anyway, know by now to take BBC…

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General Topics

Looking Back

There’s a Russian proverb that goes, “He who looks to the past is in danger of losing an eye. But he who ignores the past is in danger of losing two eyes.” I don’t know if that’s really a Russian proverb. I heard it from Lord Bullock, the historian, biographer of Hitler and Stalin, who was speaking at the Van…

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General Topics

Holocaust Days

Last week across Europe, Holocaust Day was marked with various ceremonies. In most places the official Muslim communities stayed well away, and you can bet on it that neither Fascist Skinheads nor Holocaust deniers would have participated. I have not been in favor of Holocaust Days any more than I am of making Holocaust denial a crime. Indeed I have…

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