General Topics

The Cuckoo Coup

What a year America has had. To add to the scourge of Covid19, we have seen the self-destruction of a President and we are witnessing a serious degradation in the values of American society. There is no humility, no grace, no dignity, and no sense of humanity. It is an era of lies, distortion, avatars, selfies, selfishness, fake identities and…

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General Topics


Democracy is the best form of government we have because it tries to resolve issues through respectful debate and dialogue, not through violence or coercion. Which of course applies equally to the Left and to the Right. I have watched more television this past year than I should have and I have been struck by the incessant diet of sex,…

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General Topics

Twelfth Night

As a child, I liked to feel how fortunate I was to have eight days of Chanukah, whereas the non-Jews only had one day. But then I learned that was not quite correct, they had twelve. In theory at least. One of Shakespeare’s most loved comedies is “Twelfth Night.” What is the Twelfth Night? There’s no clue in the play…

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General Topics

Hasmonean Women

I realize what a patriarchal society we, like the rest of the world, have been until very recently. Sadly, many still are. But there are three heroines connected to the Chanukah festival I’d like to celebrate even if the festival itself is over for this year.  The Hasmonean dynasty after its glory period, soon descended, into a pretty nasty collection…

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General Topics

The Zohar

 The Festival of Chanukah (however you spell it in English) in addition to its historical origins, is also a celebration of the long mystical tradition in Judaism. Nothing symbolizes mysticism in Judaism today more than the book called the  Zohar (Bright Light). It has become the most significant text, in terms of its influence on Jewish life, since the Talmud. Yet…

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General Topics

Obama and Israel

Former President Obama is regarded as something of a saint. His voice is the gospel of the Democratic and academic constituency of the USA. He was a pragmatic president and one constrained both by pressure from the left as well as the right. He tried to balance different narratives. But in the end, his policies, particularly on foreign Affairs were…

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