General Topics


Innocent worshippers were shot outside a synagogue. Children were mowed down intentionally at a bus stop in Jerusalem.  Seven people were shot in Monterey. Nineteen people were killed in storms in California. A hundred dead in mudslides in Peru. Over 40,000 and rising innocent humans were killed in Turkey and Syria by the earthquake and thousands more are left starving, freezing,…

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General Topics

Israeli Theocracy

In the febrile political polemic of our times, language is a victim as people use words loosely, inaccurately, and without thinking of their significance or meaning. The most obvious is how the term Nazi is applied to anyone or any idea that one does not like! There is a lot of talk about Israel becoming a theocracy. But what exactly do…

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General Topics

New Year for Trees

This week we celebrate Tu BiShvat, the New Year for trees. TuBishvat as we celebrate it today is a post-biblical creation of the great sixteenth-century mystic  Isaac Luria of Safed and is concerned with life and nature. Its origin lies in the Biblical laws of tithing produce and not eating the fruit of a tree for its first three years of growth. All of…

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A Different Generation

At a recent family gathering, I was surprised to hear how a negative image of my maternal grandfather had been passed down to some of his great, grandchildren.   Moses Jacob Cohen, known as M.J., certainly was a strong, opinionated, and demanding man. He was of course a product of his times. And the negative was certainly not the only aspect…

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General Topics

National Anthems

There is something so dated, archaic, and non-sensical about National Anthems, and indeed flags, that takes us back to a world of ancient tribal warfare, conquests, and long-lost identities. One might understand the need to have means of identification both in war and peace. But anthems seem to me to be particularly problematic, archaic, misguided, and often offensive. I remember…

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General Topics

Where does Charity Begin?

We are all being bombarded constantly with requests for money, at home, at work, on the streets, and on the internet. And all religions emphasize the importance of charity. But the real problem is one of the priorities. One cannot give in any significant way to all of the requests even if it may hurt to have to say no…

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