Parsha Leh Leha

Avram’s Journeys

When does a journey begin? When you plan it? When you start? When you get half way? Or when you complete the voyage? All these possibilities, might apply to Avram’s journey ( he was Avraham after he was Avram). When did God command him to go? In Chapter 11 the Torah says Avram was living in Ur of the Chaldees,…

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Parsha Leh Leha

Avraham’s Treatment of Women

Avram’s relationship with the women in his life is not an easy one. Fearing for his life he presents Sara, his wife and life partner as his sister because in ancient society wives were dispensable and disposable but blood relatives took priority. He puts her in a very difficult position yet she out of loyalty and love, does as he…

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Parsha Leh Leha

Avraham and Lot

The Torah contrasts two very different personalities, that of Avraham and that of Lot his nephew. Both born into the same society, both wanted to escape the corruption of Ur and Haran and both migrated together to Canaan. They become shepherds, an interesting change of career given that initially they were city dwellers. Famine forces them down to Egypt where…

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Parsha Leh Leha


God’s promises to Abraham are expressed in this week’s reading of the Torah. He tells him to leave his birthplace, that he will succeed and be blessed. Later there are two covenants in which God promises that the land from the Mediterranean to the Two Rivers would be his and his children’s. And at the same time, he promises that…

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Parsha Leh Leha

Who Do You Deal With in Life?

Avraham is regarded as the founder of Monotheism. What makes him so remarkable is that his religious commitment did not lead him to withdraw into his own private world, but he interacted with everyone he came into contact with. He was literally a man of the world. One might think that he was the equivalent of the New Age belief…

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